The Shop

Mental Health Foundation


The Mental Health Foundation have Workplace Wellbeing sections on their website, but were not sure how people were engaging with them. We spoke with users to find out what the best plan of action was for the information.


I was tasked with interviewing users, creating personas, and scenarios. I then provided my findings in an expert report to the Mental Health Foundation. Throughout this process I discovered that users were different than expected. The inital assumption was that people in a managerial role would be using the Workplace Wellbeing information, but in reality it was the Health and Safety roles. We also found a problem with the overall Information Architecture of the website. The users didn’t understand the terminology used in the sitemap, and thus couldn’t find what they were looking for.

The report included a list of recommendations that could be done right away, and a list for future projects and improvements to better help them serve this information to users.